
The primary partners of the Friends of Valkenberg are the staff at the Valkenberg Hospital and the service users themselves.  Friends’ staff are in regular contact with the Hospital CEO and have a close working relationship with the Valkenberg Occupational Therapy, Social Work, and Nursing Departments.

Friends also networks with other organisations in the field, learning from the insights they have to offer, sharing resources, and enabling patients to receive maximum benefit from the various services available. 

Friends of Valkenberg has association with the following bodies:

Valkenberg Hospital Facility Board

Friends works collaboratively with the Valkenberg Hospital Facility Board on joint projects.  The board comprises members appointed by the Provincial Minister of Health from the community, including hospital staff and the NPO sector.

Cape Mental Health Society

CMH provides community-based services to many of the people who come to Valkenberg for help.  Friends is collaborating with CMH’s Fountain House Catering Unit, around our Cafeteria Project.

Cape Support for Mental Health

CSMH is a group for families of those with mental illness.  Friends keeps in touch in order to share resources and learning.

The Welcome Club from the ComCare Trust

Friends shares resources with and is happy to have volunteers from the Welcome Club: a day project for those with mental illness attached to the Comcare Trust.

SA Federation for Mental Health

Friends is a member of this national umbrella body for those involved in mental health.