“Those who can, do. Those who can do more, volunteer.”
– Author Unknown
Our volunteers are the core of our organization. A diverse team of more than 60 men and women who bring a variety of skills to our projects, ensuring we see recovery and meeting the needs of patients and staff.
We love our volunteers and are always looking to bring new members to our volunteer family. Don’t have any formal qualifications in your area of interest? That’s fine; most of our volunteers don’t. More important than the skill or service you provide is the warmth and attention you offer to patients.
Our volunteer schedule is flexible and can accommodate the tightest of timetables. Our volunteer projects run from Monday through Friday, with each project occurring once a week. Some of our volunteers assist regularly while others come in on an “as-needed” basis. Even an hour a week can make an impact.
Still have questions? Contact us or read through our volunteer testimonials.
Ready to start volunteering? You can fill out our Volunteer Application here.
“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world; indeed it’s the only thing that ever has.”
– Margaret Mead